Monday, May 11, 2009

Triple Post: Mind Explosion

And, now the thrilling conclusion to my three part series, Triple Post. So, this article isn't exactly the most dugg but I think it is pretty cool anyway..............................Yooouuutuuube Puts Youtube on LSD.

This website is just too cool. It takes any youtube video and puts it in a new an often amazing format. Some the videos that I have seen have been mesmerizing, and I have left them too lopp on my computer for hours.

I see this as one of the things small scale developers and content producers can do on the web that could have a huge impact. These developers used the resource of youtube's huge bank of videos and ease of accessibility to make a website that improves on youtube's content in a way that most people would not even think of doing.

If other developers and content providers were to follow the lead of the makers of Yooouuutuuube then who knows what other sorts of filters for interacting with the information of other wll known large sites. Imagine surfing through the digital library of wikipedia, and having it look like your travelling through an actual library. The possibilities are endless.

Double Post: Internet Super Heroes

So its the second installment of my three part series: Triple Post. In this post I'm going to talk about one of my favorite internet institutions, The Flame War. A flame war consists of two or more people hating on each other over the internet, and is characterized by impotent rage, and racial slurs. I could explain it all day, but I feel it would be better explained by this cheery little tune.........................We Didn't Start The Flame War

Flame Wars are one the things that worry me most about the internet, because they speak to the fact that even though people know they can't win a fight on the internet, they still constantly try to anyway. The very nature of the internet makes it nearly impossible to convince someone that they are wrong and then get them to admit it, its simply too anonymous.

Also, I fear that is reveals a coming trend in internet usage. I can only assume that the people posting in these flame wars are under 12 years old or total imbeciles. We can statistically ignore the imbecile, but the under 12 year old crowd presents a bigger problem.

As technology grows it naturally becomes more popular with the youngest generations at the greatest rate. Huge droves of 12 year olds and under are just starting to get their feet wet in the deep end of the internet, and there is nobody there to guide them. They are going through an internet trial by fire, and thousands are falling for trolls or getting locked into unwinnable battles with each other.

I feel there needs to be a group of people to shepard these sorry individuals and show them how to use the internet properly, a group of Internet Super Heroes. But then again, people would probably just flame the crap out of them.

My Eyes Just Exploded

I just could not help but share this link with the world, it is pretty popular on dig at the moment but its not the most popular. It is however so frightening that I can't help but write about it. So without further ado, this weeks sort of most popular digg article is..................The Most Intense Website Intro Ever!

I thought the flash intro had died along with dial-up modems, but I am now starting to see them with increasing frequency. This is only an extreme example of the horrors that can be found on an increasing number of websites. Horrifying, seizure causing, jaw dropping, over the top flash intros.

The thing that gets me the most is that flash intros serve no purpose whatsoever. If a site can't excite you on its own, then it doesn't have exciting content. It would be like getting a presents for Christmas that is the shape of a dirt bike when its wrapped, but when you open it up its just a sweater. In fact, the only reason I can think that a flash intro is appropriate to instruct people in the use of the site, but even then, if the site is so complicated as to require instructions then it is a poorly designed website.

I feel as though the growth of this new trend is purely driven by the idea that people, like crows, are instinctively attracted to shiny things, and I think it has no place in any effective webpage.