Thursday, March 12, 2009

Daft It Yourself

So this weeks most dugg article was a dark horse, surpassing all of this weeks submissions in a mere 14 hours at the time of this writing. But, I feel it probably deserves it depending on how much office time you need to waste and if you have headphones. Well anyway, without further ado I bring you....................Your Keyboard is Now Daft Punk!

This is quite the nifty little program. For those not in the know Daft Punk is one of the most popular electronic/house groups of the past several decades. Their most widely known song is "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" which you may have heard remived into Kanye West's (The voice of this generation of this decade, and also a stunning grammarian) hit song "Stronger".

With this new little application I can mix and make my own "funky beats" that are incredibly similar to the original song. Why should I illegally download the original when I can just jam on my keyboard and create a horrifying frankenstein of a song that makes my eardrums bleed...oh that's right, some things are better left to proffesionals. If everyone could mix up some words in a robot voice and have it sell platinum albums their wouldn't be any House or electronic groups left, because we would have already killed them all for annoying the living s*** out of us.

Putting the power to create in the hands of the people is always a good thing, but sometimes the people, who I will hence-forth refer to as "my roommate" abuse that power. Sometimes when you tell my roommate about a cool site, he'll play with for hours until 4 in the f***ing morning making sounds cause you to see the face of satan. Sometimes my roommate (the people) need to restrain their need to create and just enjoy something thats good. After all, their are professionals for a reason.

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