Thursday, March 5, 2009


So I may be bending the formula a little this week but the top article on digg this week is boring and also probably fake. It is some fake newspaper clipping about how beer turns men into women. I however will be writing about this weeks second most dugg article...... Collegehumor's Prank War 7.

I have always been a fan of the prank, it is a lost art form. And, to have a prank of such magnitude occur at my college without me being there upsets me. I actually would have attended this game (not a basketball fan) just to watch this guy get owned by his friend.

I challenge my readers to prank their friend this week. It doesn't have to be big, maybe just put plastic wrap over their toilet or a thumb tack under their chair. After all, pranks are the only way you can be a terrible person to someone and then have them respect you for it, and isn't that what we need more of in today's world.

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