Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Do You Defend Yourself Against 2 Dildos?


So its a break from the normal routine, but I just had to talk about the one movie i'm actually excited to see this year. BRUNO

This movie is incredible! It's funny, and clever and all the things a comedy should be. However, it has a crucial factor that most shows don't, it's real. This is a show that would only be excepted by the youtube generation.

It doesn't matter how vulgar it is, people will eat it up because of its format. It's a series of short clips with very little plot, just like the original Borat. It does its best to pack as many laughs as possible into every scene. All of these scenes could hit millions of views on youtube in a few weeks, but together they form a movie that will make millions of dollars.

I'm not sure if this is the beginning of a whole new style of film that old school film makers will adopt, or if youtubers will attempt to produce large scale projects like this too turn a profit, but I'm sure that the success of these movies will be a big eye opener for Hollywood.

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